All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

"Leave Windows 9X behind"

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quote:Originally posted by avello500:
i wonder if there is a way to circumvent  the eula, i imean a trigger to switch before it ever apears.   :confused:  
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haha...i think you are right..even i would like to get rid of that EULA shit that attakes my comp any time M$ wants..haha...i hope i could right EULAs for M$..haha


quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
 You have any idea how many people still use Windows (9X)?

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that's true..i've heard many people sayin that win 98 is best product M$ has ever reveald...haha..what do you think about this shit...i think M$ never unvield good

What a joke. This ass-monkey spews out:

"If you're still using Windows 9x, you've probably encountered your share of unexplainable lockups and crashes. The root cause for all this instability is the fact that the Windows 9x operating system kernel is basically a cobbled together version of the prehistoric DOS operating system kernel."

So, I'll run out and buy a NEW "cobbled together" Microsoft product! But wait!!

"If you're running Windows 95, chances are good that your computers don't meet the Windows XP hardware requirements. Besides, the Windows XP upgrade path doesn't support Windows 95. As such, your best bet would be to look at purchasing a new computer with Windows XP preinstalled."

So, I'll run out and spend some more money on a crappy computer from Dell or Getaway with XP installed! How Cool!

Gee, why not just finish by giving Bill Gates a blow job? Of course, that will cost you extra!!


quote:i wonder if there is a way to circumvent the eula, i imean a trigger to switch before it ever apears.
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I once heard of something like that. Unforch, it won't do you any good, since you've already agreed to the EULA just bytearing the shrink wrap off the box the soft came in. If you're talking about an OEM install, then you've already agreed if you boot up, even if that's only to ditch it by doing a Linux install.   :mad:  

No matter what you do, you're screwed.    
Live Free or Die: Linux

Their fundamental design flaws are completely concealed by their superficial design flaws.


quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
1. No more hardware support

The videocard I just bought has Windows 9X, NT, ME, 2000, XP and Linux hardware drivers. You have any idea how many people still use Windows (9X)?
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I do, actually.
According to my website's counter (it's only been there for less than a month, but I get a pretty good idea of stats)

Windows XP - 48.76%
Windows 2000 - 16.43%
Macintosh - 14.84%
Windows 98 - 13.07%
Linux - 3.36%
Windows NT - 1.59%
Unknown - 1.06% <<I hope these aren't Windows's pre-95!
Windows 95 - 0.88%

Accuracy +/- .1%
Alternative OSes Bolded


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