All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

Behold new hole!

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It's that time of the month for Microsoft!
Today MS released info about a new important hole in Windows that can allow a hacker to completely take over your PC.    

quote:A flaw in Microsoft Corp.'s almost universally used Windows operating system could allow hackers to take control of a PC by luring users to a malicious Web site and coaxing them into clicking on a link
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Great programming job as always, guys. Keep up the good work!

quote: To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker would have to host a Web site that contains a Web page used to exploit the vulnerability and then persuade the user to visit the Web site and perform several actions before the attacker could take over a computer
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Well ok. I admit this hole is not as dangerous as you may think since one would have to be pretty dumb to click stuff they're unsure of. But does anyone else think that someone's gonna use an older hole in Windows to exploit this one?


my bet: two weeks, mass-mailing worm

I wonder if anyone has an exsample of said exploit.  I wouldn't mind looking into it myself.

Sounds like another IE hole. Using a real browser might help again.


quote:Shiver: Sounds like another IE hole. Using a real browser might help again.
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That proves to be difficult. Most people are unwillingly to use something they're not used to.

I once let someone on my computer, and he said "Where's Internet Explorer?". I said "I don't have Internet Explorer.". Now that was funny  :D


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