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Shit that you can trim out of Windows XP
Anyone have suggestions for programs, registry items, and other garbage that you can trim off of Windows XP? I tried to get rid of Outlook Express but couldn't (I did delete it from my registry though). Any suggestions? What about Agent, Dr Watson, Net Meeting, help files, msconfig programs?
It's shareware, but it's recommended by Nathan Lineback who owns one of the best anti-Microsoft site ever.
The program you need: LitePC.
Of course, you can never remove every spyware from Windows XP. If you want your computer up to the full potential, try Linux.
quote:Originally posted by Refalm / BOB:
Of course, you can never remove every spyware from Windows XP.
--- End quote ---
i could
quote:If you want your computer up to the full potential, try Linux.
--- End quote ---
and that's the method i would use to do it.
Linux systems do not have a 'registry' to mess up your configuration, nor does it include browsers, media players and other huge rubbish as 'core' components of the system. the only reason you'd want windows instead of a user oriented linux distribution would be if you had some proprietary product that there's no non-windows equivalent of, but those things you mentioned don't really fall into that category i would say.
--- Quote from: JanusChrist ---Anyone have suggestions for programs, registry items, and other garbage that you can trim off of Windows XP? I tried to get rid of Outlook Express but couldn't (I did delete it from my registry though). Any suggestions? What about Agent, Dr Watson, Net Meeting, help files, msconfig programs?
--- End quote --- alot here to get rid of bullshit that windows has...
An excellent reference for optimizing your PC. Pay particular attention to section on disabling services at system start-up.
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