All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Shit that you can trim out of Windows XP

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Good resource.

Brandon Paddock:

--- Quote from: Calum ---
Linux systems do not have a 'registry' to mess up your configuration
--- End quote ---

No, instead they have hundreds of scattered, cryptically named text files - many of which require changing by hand.  The registry, on the other hand, is for Windows to keep track of your settings in one centralized and secure location.  It was not meant to be edited manually.

--- Quote ---, nor does it include browsers, media players and other huge rubbish as 'core' components of the system.
--- End quote ---

Actually... both KDE and Gnome include file browsers.  Most distros these days include a default browser that is used for both local files and web browsing.
And none of those features are "core" components of Windows.  They're integrated into the shell... but that's an entirely different matter.  Windows does a fairly good job keeping the non-essentials in user space.  Far better than Linux (the origin of kernel bloatware), though arguably not as clean cut as BSD (at least in the NT 5.x era).

--- Quote ---the only reason you'd want windows instead of a user oriented linux distribution would be if you had some proprietary product that there's no non-windows equivalent of, but those things you mentioned don't really fall into that category i would say.
--- End quote ---

Or perhaps you'd want it because it's more secure and reliable than any Linux distribution?  Or because it is faster, supports more hardware, and works with all your software?


--- Quote from: Brandon Paddock ---No, instead they have hundreds of scattered, cryptically named text files - many of which require changing by hand.  The registry, on the other hand, is for Windows to keep track of your settings in one centralized and secure location.  It was not meant to be edited manually.

Actually... both KDE and Gnome include file browsers.  Most distros these days include a default browser that is used for both local files and web browsing.
And none of those features are "core" components of Windows.  They're integrated into the shell... but that's an entirely different matter.  Windows does a fairly good job keeping the non-essentials in user space.  Far better than Linux (the origin of kernel bloatware), though arguably not as clean cut as BSD (at least in the NT 5.x era).

Or perhaps you'd want it because it's more secure and reliable than any Linux distribution?  Or because it is faster, supports more hardware, and works with all your software?
--- End quote ---

I completely agree.

Most people here think that windows has not progressed in any way shape or form since 3.0 For Workgroups.

i hope you both feel happy with your idiotic assumtions.

i haven't really got time right now to reply, nor do i think it's worth it on the whole.

you both appear to be replying to things i didn't actually say, a typical tactic of microsoft advocates.

Brandon Paddock:

--- Quote from: Calum ---i hope you both feel happy with your idiotic assumtions.
--- End quote ---

I made no assumptions in my post [/quote]

--- Quote ---i haven't really got time right now to reply, nor do i think it's worth it on the whole.

--- End quote ---

You did reply.  You made it clear that you disagree, and even insulted me (us).  But I guess you just meant that you don't have an actual answer.

--- Quote ---
you both appear to be replying to things i didn't actually say, a typical tactic of microsoft advocates.
--- End quote ---

I included excerpts of the parts of your post I was responding to.  You said very clearly that the registry "mess[es] up your computer."  Which, of course, is a load of bull.


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