Well, all winblows OSes from the 98 line are very unstable and prone to crashing. So count out 3.1, 95, 98, and Me. NT is a step up from them, as it is much more stable. And 2000 is a bit stronger than NT. XP takes a step back from Win2K in the stability department, and it goes further by includeing many features that are actually to the detriment of the customer, such as product activation. XP does not crash alot, but if you let it run for long, performance takes a hit. So Win2K, a 3 year old OS, is the winner. And from the looks of it, Longhorn is going to be even worse, its going to set aside a part of your computer that only runs if it is authorized to by other people, thats right, not you, other people, such as Entertainment companys and only if you pay them for it. Of course, in the 3 year Microshit spent developing an inferior OS, Linux and Mac have both come to surpass Windows in quality by a LONG SHOT!