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Whats the best OS of microsuck?

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i remember a show from about 1994 or so.
they interviewed the man who wrote what was stolen and sold as dos.
first ibm cam to him but he was a hippie type and didnt trust the suits.
then billy and a freind went to see him. he was considering to deal with them until they said they were affiliated with ibm.
he promptly threw them out.
the friend billy brought assembled what he could remember of code and thinking and labeled it qdos,quick and dirty operating system.
bill gates had nothing at all todo with dos.
im sure there is evidence out there to back me up if im wrong it isn't by much.

still say its a trick question.  ;)


quote:Originally posted by cahult:
Did it run you?
--- End quote ---

Yes it ran me. Ohhh... it ran me good.

Microsoft doesn't create Operating systems, they create bugs, which require patches which are bugs which require more patches, ad nauseum.

Coding is going thru a revolution.

Look at the clean coding styles of mozilla firebird, and you see what I mean.

Coding an OS should be about making the  best product.  BillGates has never been about  getting good product out there.

Remember when IBM  created  dr dos and OS/r2  which blew DOS away, and BIll Gates threatened to  pull licensing on DOS if they  did go ahead onthe product, and IBM backed down? Well,  that sure wasn't  about getting  good product to the public, it was about Billgates intimidating and manipulating, something he is very  very good at, and while Gates got more rich, the public missed out on great  technological advancees..

think where computers would be today if it weren't for Bill gates?

Yo0u have no idea ^_^

Windows 2000!

a mozilla OS would be interesting.
maybe it could use magnetic crystals.


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