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Whats the best OS of microsuck?

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quote:Originally posted by Emiko:
You must be confused..  Microsoft never made an OS did they? I thought they just stole OS's.. oh well...
--- End quote ---

your right. i think it is a trick question.

Microsoft makes operating systems? I mean... sure, they can make a computer bootable. They can run some software and enable some of my hardware (I have to download lots of drivers...), but does it actually operate? It doesn't do anything I need it to do. In my sense, it is not operational. When you turn it on and it crashes 15 minutes later... while you are looking at the screen that told you it crashed (if you are lucky enough to see one) does that point in time count as operating? Do the events that it performed to lead up to that point count as operating if it is being counter-productive? If it were to operate shouldn't it maintain stability, if not increase, stability rather than minimize it to the point where it stops and give you no information as to why except the address in an executable and the proc's register values? It isn't at all usefull to me, as I dont have the source code. Micorosft has been known to make various counter-operative systems... but an actual operating system, I have yet to see one.

But to answer the original question, pending the above qualifies as an operating system, I would have to say dos. As I haven't seen many crashes, but that's probably because it doesn't multitask.

I agree with the two above, it

To  correct Stryker, Microsoft did not  create  DOS, the disk operating system, they bought it from a fellow programmer for $50,000, and made million off of it.

Microsft did not create DOS.

Windows 2000.  Its the only Microsoft OS that is even worth looking at.  Still, its not that great, but its a LOT better than the 95 series and XP.  The older NTs are (from what I've heard) are ok, but still 2000 tops them.


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