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First no IE for Mac now no IE for Windows

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I am really confused (as usual), I thought microsoft was ordered to make IE easy to uninstal.

by the way how does one do this in XP, my cousin got a new compaq with XP Pre infected.

Windows refund story at linuxjournal

YOu cannot uninstall IE6 in XP, you would need to use a 3d party software such as  IERADICATOR, which  can  simply do weird things to your OS installation anyways..

Some people are all  irate about MS stopping  production on IE as a standalone browser, but since you can  access any webpage via  Explorer, why have the redundancy of IE as a standalone browser? It makes sense to me.

Who cares? You can only install IE on Windows now, anyway. Now, you'll just be stuck with IE6 when using Windows2k, etc.

Again, who cares?

Yea, it's pretty much a moot point.


quote:Originally posted by Emiko:
Yea, it's pretty much a moot point.
--- End quote ---

Its not the imediate fact that they're quiting on a standalone IE, its the ramifications that matter.

you have windows 2k,or XP and IE 6, instead of buying the latest version of windows to get an up to date browser you just download: opera or netscape/mozilla


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