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C:\recycler on xp, um, why?
update: win9x, C:\recycled, viewable, winxp, C:\recycler not viewable. I dont know, i find a bit of information I think might be useful, then I get knocked about it
I remember when I was on XP it didn't just have C:\recycler, it had X:\recycler, X being whatever windows-recognized partitions you had. That was pretty annoying, having one for each "drive." I'm not sure if it was supposed to do that or what, though.
quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
It's "C:\Recycled" or "/mnt/windows/Recycled/" in Mandrake.
--- End quote ---
But what if one has changed the FSTAB? Or somthing, it could be anything.
And most all what is your point.
my point is, well, umm... it just seemed like something that nobody else seemed to know, and at the time it seemed as relevent to say as severel other posts in this forum
I still haven't figured out why it's called the Recycle Bin. What the hell gets recycled in there, anyway?
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