All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
my 2 cents.
The reason they should NOT be using Micro$hit is that it sucks. M$ products are crap. M$ uses its money to push around other companies and buy off politicians.
Luckily Bill Gates and the other suits are so stupid they will fuck up their monopoly over the next 10 years.
the 90% of people dont even know they have a choice besides windows and mac.
when was the last time you saw an AD on TV about linux? how about M$?
90% of people dont even know what size their HD is much less how to install windows.
You are very very correct on this point and part of the reasons for this is M$ relentless marketing and more importantly their shady noose around the necks of the PC distributors. Luckily that is starting to change. As soon as PC distributors are able to advertise PCs with Linux on them without fear from M$ then it will be a grand day.
As we all know, you can go to your local Wal-Mart and buy a PC with Mandrake preinstalled (or order it from their web site). Many companies are jumping on the Linux band wagon and I feel that it will not be much longer before they start advertising PCs preinstalled with Linux. I think many of them are watching Wal-Mart closely to see how well they do before getting taking the big leap.
And the only Linux commercials I have seen on TV are by IBM for Linux on mainframes. Still, if you can go into a computer store and get a machine loaded with Windows XP and Office XP for $1200 and then get that same PC with Linux loaded for about $750 I don't think any amount of advertising or TV commercials will make much difference. People will become familiar with Linux at that point. Whether the overall experiences will be good or bad for most we'll have to wait and see. At least people will become familiar with Linux and then can make an intelligent choice, rather than not having a choice which is the position that 90% are in today.
[ August 20, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
Gamers, unfortuniatly, will have to wait until Wine and WINEX shape up.
People who hardly use the internet for anything except email and the like, however, can be very good places to start. Just build them a computer that uses LInux and does everything they need it to do, and then sell it to them. Soon, they will find out how good their computers are, and will spread teh word around. You now have a small business.
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