All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
SCO tries again
quote:Originally posted by Calum:
however they have removed all the stolen code allegations from website...
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Hope that becomes a trend
I think Germany has really come up in the world they tried to take over
And now $Ballmer is after SGI.
Oh please!
The SGI story is just speculation by ZDNET right now... but based on specific quotes made by SCO. It is only speculation, but it makes a lot of sense.
SCO: All your code base are belong to us.
quote:Originally posted by Zardoz:
the US just plays at being legal, like most things they do. Sorry to all my American friends on this board, that's not directly aimed at you.
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No offense taken, matter of fact I agree! In the USA the legal system only works for the Rich.....
Case in point.....the recent Msblaster and Sobig worms...the FBI caught the teenager who changed the Code on one of these and sent it on it's way to reek havoc.......But does the US Gov't say anything to M$ for putting out Software that is Buggy or full of holes in the first place......Nooooo. Bill G. has come out smelling like a rose on this one and will still put out buggy software that the script kiddies are going to exploit.
Money has won out over doing what is right and just.
I don't understand this. Even if, and from what I understand, it is a big if, sco does win its case against IBM and get their monetary compensation, how can they go against linux users ?
I thought this sort of 'double dip' wasn't allowed in the USA.
Btw, how can they demand payment up front for usages without showing any proof of ownership ?
Isn't this even illegal ?
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