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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0

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Boy !
This is best browser I have ever used.
I used  IE crap,Opera Crap,Netscape Cool,Mozilla Cool .
Bur Firebird comes winner.Just download it and few simple addons and you will understand what i mean.

1)no 'find; dialog box invocation required ,its one addon does single character serach in instant
2)looks that will kick sh*t out of IE
3)still no multitabbbing?Go kill yourself IE
4)no crap ads to buy as Opera has.
5)no cluttering of client area as Opera does
6)no security holes as crap IE has
7)addons are not compulsory and we can choose them
  Now thats democracy!
8)no tool is out of reach.
9)no stupid stubborn IE type things .customise at time you want
10)no crap rediretion to MSN.COM which eats my poor 4kb bandwidth

IE 6.0 you are dead and gone ,at least for people with dignity.

and why is it then that 90% of people still use IE?

can it simply be that IE comes with 90% of computers and firebird must be downloaded?


luckily for me, IE doesn't work on my operating system, of course firebird is fine.


quote:Originally posted by swapnil:

IE 6.0 you are dead and gone ,at least for people with dignity.

--- End quote ---

Where have you been for the last 3 years?

What's so bad about Opera? The ads are there for two reasons, first so they can provide a free browser of sorts, and second, so they can make money to continue development of their product. The browser only costs $39 and is currently on sale for $29. I can think of many pieces of crapware that are overpriced much more than that (*cough* Windows, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Office *cough*). When you really get down to it, $40 is not that unreasonable for arguably one of the most used applications on your sytem, your browser.

Second, the toolbars may be cluttered, but that can very easily be changed. You can customize them yourself, or if you're feeling really lazy, just set it to Opera's "minimalistic" default.

I use the free version of Opera and it is perfectly acceptable and still miles ahead of IE. I've dabbled with a few others Mozilla, Netscape and firbird but Opera wins for me just because of the multi tabbing.
Exploder does not even come close to any other browser, it is complete and utter shite and yet, go try and convince a Window$ user to at least try another browser and they are like "Oh no, I like Exploder, I don't want to change and besides everybody else uses it.". What a loadyshite. I still find it hard to convince people away from Exploder and Lookout. What is wrong with them ?   :mad:


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