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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0

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I'm not aware of the cookie problem so I don't think I can help you sorry.  It's still in alpha, so you could report the bug to and / or search the site for news of the bug and any fixes.
You CANNOT remove IE or Outlook from MS as far as I'm aware.  If you get Service Pack 1 theres an "set program defaults" thing added which lets you remove all the shortcuts.  Thats it.

I certainly agree that Firebird does lack in the cookie configuration department. I've done a quick search to see if there are any Extensions that can overcome this shortcomming, but there don't appear to be any.

I know Mozilla can do the type of cookie management you want (which is to accept all cookies and delete them after the session is over), but that still does leave the toolbar problem. I know that using one extension you can add the home button, which seems to be the one thing people miss the most and through editing configuration files you can remove the throbber. Aside from that though, it is pretty limited in terms of customizing, which is actually one of the reasons for the split over to Firebird in the development tree.

If theese are the options you're looking for, as well as the customized toolbar, I think you'll probably enjoy Opera a lot. Privacy configuraiton is definately one of it's strong suits. The only pitfall is a bit of instability, for that reason I'd recommend the 7.20 beta... I've been running it since it was released and it's one of the few builds that hasn't crashed on me yet, even with constant and heavy use.

Good luck!

How does Firebird's stability right now compare to Mozilla or Opera?

I'd definately say that Firebird is the more reliable browser at the moment. So far, I haven't hit a single crash on it and again, I've been using the 0.6x line since it's initial release. The only thing I've come across are a few extensions that cause it to "burp" a little.

Opera on the other hand, I've experienced a lot of stability problems with past 7.1x builds (both final 7.11 and betas), but I haven't had any problems with the 7.2 beta so far.

the only problem with fire bird i have had is where it takes a while to load up after clicking the icon, may just be me but it is a far amount of time say 3-6 secs


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