All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0
Any chance your looking for a proxy there? I dont have that problem for my domain or the rest of the world... any more info?
i haven't a choice but to use Win Me, thats what i got and i haven't the money to build a non'Wintel computer. i'm trying to break away from some of micro's demon programs like ie. i cannot get firebird to work and i cannot get ie off my machine. i recieved some tips but Me must be different or something.
how much does linux cost?
END of discussion.
can't afford it indeed.
listen, if you really need instructions for firebird try these:
1) download firebird zip file for windows. doesn't matter if you get the latest nightly or the latest stable release or whatever.
2) open it in winzip and extract all files. This will create ONE directory (probably called MozillaFirebird). Put that directory somewhere. Try C:/Program Files if you are stuck.
3) go into the folder and doubleclick the file "MozillaFirebird.exe" (or phoenix.exe for versions 0.5 and below)
did this work? if not at what point did it fail and how.
windows ME is not different in any way from windows 98 except for some extra bloat (and the accompanying instability) and some slight theme additions.
and put some thought into how much linux costs.
and welcome to the board! :D
He might be talking about hardware modems etc... A real modem can get a bit expensive for some people (like me) but I managed to afford it, and now I can run Linux just fine. *WELL* worth the price if you like your computer having the best. (Of course getting that arts / science rotary award helped a bit...)
Re: Opera. I have used it personally and feel it is "on par" with firebird. I am on a 100mbps network so any "rendering" slowness is going to be *very* noticeable to me (as its all that will slow down my web browsing) and I feel both Firebird and Opera are as fast. With Opera either requiring licensing or infesting my screen with filthy advertising (after a year of no pop ups and no crap nag ware I have grown to despise even the smallest ad) Firebird comes out well ahead. Not to mention that it's Free - Opera isn't even "open."
thanks, got it to work anyway. the first time i tried it though, it would not function once opened; that is why i asked for assistance. i tried it again today it it works smoothly.
sorry if i sound a little ignorant, i just try to get by on what i know; which isn't a whole lot. anyway, i have not tried linux yet because i dont know what would happen to all my current files and programs. i have a cd for linux 7.2, and don't have the bandwidth to download anything else. if i do install it, how do i do it, and how do get rid of Me and still keep the files i need, and can i still run some of the games and other programs i have on here? i'm new at this. help me out please. :confused: :confused:
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