All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0

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that's a lot of questions.

tell you what, start a new topic or two in the gnu/linux forum (instead of the mswindows one) asking your questions in a semi organised way (like maybe one thread for "how to get and install linux" and one for "how do i use my files/games etc in linux") and i bet a lot of people will help you out here.

a lot of it is pure experience and a lot of it depends on what files, what you want to do, i wouldn't use red hat 7.2 either, buy a cheapo copy of red hat 9.0 (all 3 disks) from a mail order retailer near you, ask or search where the nearest/cheapest one is etc, see, this is why i said start new topics!  ;)

sorry if i was abrupt, btw i really did mean it when i said welcome!


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