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An XP review

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quote:Originally posted by Centurian:
but I decided to check it out and see just exactly what I felt was wrong with XP.

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Oh Joy!

Doctor V:
I believe that if somthing isn't broke, don't fix it.  Linux isn't broke, why use somthing else.  If you can do everything with Linux that you can with Windows, like security, and don't want to pay M$ for their marketing, why not just stay with Linux.  It gets the job done for sure.  Wether you believe the spyware issues or not, you have to feel opressed by XPs EULA for sure.  With their EULA dosn't sound good to you, why accept?  M$ wants all people to be their little puppets (like Zombie, Win XP Luser, etc), and XP is just another one of the strings.  XP does not give complete control (Palladium will do that), but it does as much as it can to lock people in.  Happy Upgrading...



quote:Originally posted by Doctor V:
I believe that if somthing isn't broke, don't fix it.  Linux isn't broke, why use somthing else.
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i don't agree. if you apply this concept across the board, then all the people who think the world ends at their windows will never change either! I advocate an open mind. Some people have tried a few operating systems before they decide on one, two, or a few that they prefer for certain tasks, same with programs. You should never just use something because it came with the computer, unless you have tried a few other options.  
quote:If you can do everything with Linux that you can with Windows, like security, and don't want to pay M$ for their marketing, why not just stay with Linux.. It gets the job done for sure.  
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linux cannot do everything that windows can do, however windows cannot do most of what can be done with linux, or at least windows cannot do those many things reliably or comfortably in a lot of cases, however depending on what you use them for, they could both conceivably get the job done.  
quote:Wether you believe the spyware issues or not, you have to feel opressed by XPs EULA for sure.  With their EULA dosn't sound good to you, why accept?  M$ wants all people to be their little puppets (like Zombie, Win XP Luser, etc), and XP is just another one of the strings.
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Now we are talking. Yes, linux and many other systems are in most ways more reliable and more versatile, not to mention more customisable than windows is, my main reason for being against Microsoft is the many things they do, or fail to do, which exploit their customers. i think it is the height of bad service and it breaches people's rights, so i disagree with their licencing and their practices. Also, i don't think zombie468462378 is a puppet, just because he chooses to use windows, he is however too stubborn for his own good, but that is what happens when people excercise their free will, they sometimes choose things we ourselves would not.  
quote:XP does not give complete control (Palladium will do that),
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complete control to who?  ;)  
quote:but it does as much as it can to lock people in.  Happy Upgrading...

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i think often people get into arguments about X is better than Y because, and it's not really relevant. when talking about operating systems, it depends about 95% on how the system was set up. this is only played down these days because windows is so fussy about being set up in a particular way. Also, usability is an issue that depends entirely on the user. As i say, while i do think that the linux, gnu and bsd families of systems are in many ways sounder and sturdier than windows, in any form, i will say my main reason for being 'anti-microsoft' is their politics and their agenda.

Doctor V:
Complete control over who?  Complete control over your computer.  I agree that the 'if it's not broke don't fix it' cliche should not be applied to every situation, but I really get pissed off when I see someone who has a perfectly good running system (be it running on Win2K, Linux, BSD whatever), run out and, for no logical reason whatsoever, fudge out hundreds of dollars for their precious little copy of XP.  As far as I'm concerned there is no reason to get XP.  I don't think theres anything XP can do that W2K can except lock you out if you don't pay, and automatically install whatever updates M$ wants without your approval, these are *bad* things.  They don't think 'I want to do ____ so I should get XP'.  The just think 'XP is the newest Windows, so I want it.' or 'I like that XP ad, so I want it'. or 'Everyone else has XP so I want it too.' etc.  Reasons not to get it are numerous, way too many to state here, there have been plenty of posts describing those already.  Even if someone is helplessly locked into M$ and can't use any of the alternatives (but anyone could use a mac), they don't have to go to XP.  The reason people use XP is M$ marketing, and only M$ marketing.  No intelligent person would switch to it (apologies to anyone offended).  People are suckered into using it.  Suckered into the hideous M$ upgrade cycle that anyone can easily get out of by just plain thinking.  This increases the M$ monopoly which hurts everyone.  Zombie482769127&%$%&$&%('78658596759, I want to know if you tell me one thing that can be done with XP that can't with Linux that is useful to customers.  Don't say XP can run XXXXapplication blahblah, tell me what the application does.  I bet there is an alternative for everything.


Doctor V:

quote:Originally posted by Centurian:

The other day my wife bought herself a copy of XP.

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No she did not.  She licenced a copy of it with M$.  The software that is running on your computer is property of M$.  It belongs to them, not you or your wife.  Neither you nor she are allowed to change it nor use it however you want.  Its M$ property on your comp.  M$ on the other hand does have the right to change it just about however they want, and they don't have to tell you.  Why should they, its their property, you have no rights to it.

Now, I understand you own a copy of RedHat.



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