All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Why Windows should be avoided.

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Notice I didn't say "windows sux"

Windows Sucks is just very rude and says more about the person saying it than anything else.

This thread is for the Microsoft Corp guy. Let me clearify the existence of this website without typing a 2 page essay.  Two pages just isn't good for anything because no one has time to read it.  Which has been the problem with your topic posts. In other words I'm trying to keep this short and simple.

We simply see that Microsoft Windows is not good enough to be used on 90% of all personel home machines ( i'm not including servers and supercomputers ).  What has helped it spread is the fact that Dell, Gateway, HP, and Sony personal computers all come pre-installed with a microsoft operating system.  And there is NO alternative for anything else.

Because so many machines run them people don't even know that windows is an operating system.  They just think all computers run windows.  Because of that microsoft as a monopoly.  And we are simply boycotting the monopoly.

You simply say that we are wrong for not using windows.  Windows has *some* advantages over us but you never considered that Linux/Mac os/solaris might suite us just fine.  You never thought that just maybe they meeted all our needs without the viruses and security holes that make a windows machine un-reliable.

And so we encourage the alternatives.  Because windows is not the best operating system in the entire world, and so the entire world shouldn't be using it.

And just think, everytime you give money to microsoft you push yourself further and further into software-communism.

My picture about Windows

if you won't say windows sux, I'll say it for you

[ September 16, 2003: Message edited by: Refalm ]

Well ... i was just trying to make my case against windows.  Maybe i did a really corny job on it.

I'll just add to this......

Also many of us find Linux/BSD and Macs easier to maintain because they are so stable and a lot more secure.

Because of the community effort put forward to these great machines, you can rely on patches being put out promptly and in a timly fashion.  Also you do not have to worry about nasty compatibility issues, like finding that driver, figuring out which version for what.  Linux is more standardized so all this 'mess' is removed.

You can enjoy your computer for what it actually does and not get a BSOD and or another virii attack.


quote:Originally posted by mushrooomprince:

Because so many machines run them people don't even know that windows is an operating system.  They just think all computers run windows.

--- End quote ---

Sad, but true.  A girl (who doesnt know much about computers) asked the other day "So Microsoft and IBM are the only computer manufacturers, right?"  I almost had a heart attack!

Somehow, the message that Windows is not the only choice is not getting out to the general public.  I sincerely hope that all of us in the forums are doing our civic duty, what calls "tech evangelism."


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