All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Why Windows should be avoided.
quote:Originally posted by mushrooomprince:
I regret the name I gave to this thread.
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If anything, you've have brought awarness, and increase ability to see why the alternatives just makes scence.
There will always be a 'rkmaster,' 'Microsoft Corperation', and/or a 'viper' who justs want us to think that he/she has the best deal and we must some how pay for what we did.....
That some how they must have made the better deal and reationalising with themselves that we are the ones that are @ the wrong end.
What we do is open up to say that there really no need for the constant 'maintenece.' virri and trojan wars.
You can work with a machine and go to bed at night and not worry of a nother hostile takeover or overwork because of that broken 'patch.'
If they, those who use windows, think they have the better deal. Then good for them. We will still push the alternative.
Because there really is a better way of life than living constantly behind a machine.
quote:-=Solaris.M.K.A=-: There will always be a 'rkmaster,' 'Microsoft Corperation', and/or a 'viper' who justs want us to think that he/she has the best deal and we must some how pay for what we did.....
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Don't talk like that about Viper. There's a difference between a troll and someone who prevers Windows over another OS. Viper is the second type, rkmaster22 the first.
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
Hmm interesting you claim me to be uneducated when you are the one bitching and whinning about 9x this but NT is that. It really doesn't make a difference, that simply is the bottom line.
Idf it had then why is it that I see XP crash just as much as any other windows OS, why is it that even with the amount of time M$ has been around, it STILL gets infected with virii and usless old exploits???
Its because of the whole buisness modle M$ has. Whether its XP or 9x it really DOES NOT change!!!
You still have to deal with a crappy registry, poor security and incomapatibility! And on to of all that MORE spyware thats now introduced at the OS level, If you like XP
hay thats fine, but stop preaching your bullshit. Just because we are not as stupid as you to think that M$ is so wonderful and great! That it really has improved when its the same damn thing with a Fisher Price GUI!!!
But someone like you needs such a thing. Other wize you'd be lost.
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Uneductaed? LoL!!! This is coming from a guy who thinks that Windows ME doesn't run on top of DOS and it only emulates it? Don't make me laugh man.
BTW, If you don't like the default Windoes XP Luna GUI(I know I don't) you can simply change it. Oh yeah! I'm sure that you don't even know how to change it.
Don't make me start pulling up the huge list of recent bugs and security problems that have been discovered in Linux. Oh what the hell, Here are 15 advisories that have been posted in the last 5 days. You do know that on average there are at least 2 or 3 bugs and security problems discovered in open source OSes every day..right? Oh yeah, I forgot! You are retarded, of course you didn't know.
To be honest, I bet I know how to use Open Source software better than you do. BTW, as a user of Open Source software you should do things to contribute to the community instead of just sitting around talking shit all day long. What have you done with Open Source software to contribute to it and to benefit the community? Probably nothing. You are probably just a free loader who does nothing more than just use the software. As far as the Open Source community is concerned, you are worthless to them. You can't be a free-loader all of your life man.
Anyways, I'm done arguing with a tard who has to be proven wrong time and time again so I'm out. As I already said, don't post unless you have facts. You look extremely stupid when you go around spouting false look even dumber when the people you call stupid continuously prove you wrong.
[ September 28, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]
quote: h what the hell, Here are 15 advisories that have been posted in the last 5 days.
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Theres a difference between finding a bug and hackers actually exploiting the bug and causing billions of dollars in damage.
Usually the contributors to the Linux community find the bug before a hacker or disturbed 17 year old does.
Windows has serious security issues, thats not really up for debate.
But have you ever thought that maybe if everyone wasn't using windows, everyone might not be affected by a problem that only affects 1 operating system ?
I'm a little peeved at XP Pro. I am sick and tired of explorer.exe crashing with moronic error messages. (DDE Server Window error because I dragged an icon across the screen.. give me a break..)
It's amazing how one out of every 5 times or so I open my folder with MP3s, Explorer.exe crashes. Or worse yet, when I open the My Pictures folder, Explorer crashes and then if I try and go back to the folder, it crashes again and again until I reboot.
And don't forget, sometimes programs that crash will ignore termination requests from TaskMan. (explorer is an offender here again)
And finally.. Why does explorer need to read from the registry CONSTANTLY.. reading the same crap over and over and over.. Is it just me, or is this ineffecient? (YEAH, I know it checks to see if you've updated any settings, but it should do so in an Event-Based manner)
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