All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Why Windows should be avoided.
The thing is, Windows doesn't have too much versions while Linux has virtually infinite distros since everyone can make one.
Well, Linux is pissing me off right now as a matter of fact(Redhat 9). I'm trying to mount all 7 of my partations(6 NTFS and 1 EXT3). It is letting me mount 2 of the NTFS partations and the EXT3 is always mounted...but when I try to mount any more it says that I have too many devices mounted already. What is up with that shit? Windows mounts 7 partations, plus my CD Drive plus my CD-RW drive plus my DVD+RW drive like it ain't nothing. As a matter of fact, Windows lets you mount up to 24 partations/drives(C: - Z: ) .
Linux isn't even letting me mount more than 6 partations/drives. What gives?
I was going to blame it on one of the drives(the one with 4 partations) being SATA but that isn't it because if I unmount the NTFS partations on the IDE drives I can mount 2 of the partations on the SATA drive. If I unmount 1 of the IDE NTFS partations I can mount 1 of the SATA NTFS partations.
Now here is the real kick to the balls. Every time I unmount a CD-Drive/DVD Drive I can mount a partation to replace the drive I unmounted. Why in the fuck would I want all of my CD/DVD drives unmounted just to use hard drive partations? I want it all to work at the same time!!!!!
[ September 29, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]
quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
Don't talk like that about Viper. There's a difference between a troll and someone who prevers Windows over another OS. Viper is the second type, rkmaster22 the first.
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Thanks man. Even though I prefer Win2K and XP doesn't mean I never use alternatives. I particularly like BeOS. I don't hate does piss me off though. Then again, Win9x(Windows ME especially) pisses me off to.
quote:Originally posted by Viper:
Well, Linux is pissing me off right now as a matter of fact(Redhat 9). I'm trying to mount all 7 of my partations(6 NTFS and 1 EXT3). It is letting me mount 2 of the NTFS partations and the EXT3 is always mounted...but when I try to mount any more it says that I have too many devices mounted already. What is up with that shit? Windows mounts 7 partations, plus my CD Drive plus my CD-RW drive plus my DVD+RW drive like it ain't nothing. As a matter of fact, Windows lets you mount up to 24 partations/drives(C: - Z: ) .
Linux isn't even letting me mount more than 6 partations/drives. What gives?
I was going to blame it on one of the drives(the one with 4 partations) being SATA but that isn't it because if I unmount the NTFS partations on the IDE drives I can mount 2 of the partations on the SATA drive. If I unmount 1 of the IDE NTFS partations I can mount 1 of the SATA NTFS partations.
Now here is the real kick to the balls. Every time I unmount a CD-Drive/DVD Drive I can mount a partation to replace the drive I unmounted. Why in the fuck would I want all of my CD/DVD drives unmounted just to use hard drive partations? I want it all to work at the same time!!!!!
[ September 29, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]
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Hmmmmmm. habe you tried looking in fstab in /etc/
A while back all my partitions went from hda to hdb.
I really do not know why it happened. Although I have the feeling it was me fiddling with the partion sizes or something. Linux may have assigned a new block to it.
quote:Originally posted by Viper:
Uneductaed? LoL!!! This is coming from a guy who thinks that Windows ME doesn't run on top of DOS and it only emulates it? Don't make me laugh man.
BTW, If you don't like the default Windoes XP Luna GUI(I know I don't) you can simply change it. Oh yeah! I'm sure that you don't even know how to change it.
Don't make me start pulling up the huge list of recent bugs and security problems that have been discovered in Linux. Oh what the hell, Here are 15 advisories that have been posted in the last 5 days. You do know that on average there are at least 2 or 3 bugs and security problems discovered in open source OSes every day..right? Oh yeah, I forgot! You are retarded, of course you didn't know.
To be honest, I bet I know how to use Open Source software better than you do. BTW, as a user of Open Source software you should do things to contribute to the community instead of just sitting around talking shit all day long. What have you done with Open Source software to contribute to it and to benefit the community? Probably nothing. You are probably just a free loader who does nothing more than just use the software. As far as the Open Source community is concerned, you are worthless to them. You can't be a free-loader all of your life man.
Anyways, I'm done arguing with a tard who has to be proven wrong time and time again so I'm out. As I already said, don't post unless you have facts. You look extremely stupid when you go around spouting false look even dumber when the people you call stupid continuously prove you wrong.
[ September 28, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]
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Lets see here, I design and build programs for the OO enviroment, so I MUST not be contributing, right?
I know that programs have holes but in OO they get FIXED! In windows they do not and no one has time to download a 100sp11234578900 patch which will break the OS.
You assume that I know nothing, this is where you make your mistake and I can claim that you are uneducated....
Yes I do know how to change the interface in XP, so what is your point there?
Windows not linux as been infected numerous times with trogens, virii etc no matter what version it is, So bashing ME and praising XP just makes no scense to me......
The only difference I see is that XP has a LOT more imbedded applications (WMP9) So worms can have fun with the OS, but then again were talking windows here, what else is new!
I just can't see why you are complaining........
All the things you have pointed out we all here know about them already and all the things that are pointed out in linux have already been cleared up.
Did you know that OpenSSH did have a buffer overflow vulnrability. In less than a day it was patched and installed in my system. Because there isn't any 'unessessary' services running. Everything was working as it was suposed to and my job became a lot easier to do, no mre sleepless nights..........
Don't assume that I just sit here and do nothing! That is arrogence on your part. Just because you use XP im not gonna call you stupid, I personaly just don't get why I always here ME is blah blah blah.... While XP is good!
With all the Spyware built into it, I personaly wouldn't touch it wit a ten ft pole, Yes 9x is less 'stable' but I find with a 128 to 512 mb of ram it is quite stable and I can watch movies and stuff without it calling home and then blocking my codecs.
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