All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Why Windows should be avoided.

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quote:Originally posted by Viper:

Now here is the real kick to the balls. Every time I unmount a CD-Drive/DVD Drive I can mount a partation to replace the drive I unmounted. Why in the fuck would I want all of my CD/DVD drives unmounted just to use hard drive partations? I want it all to work at the same time!!!!!

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viper, you have a hard neck saying that somebody else looks stupid.


quote:Windows mounts 7 partations, plus my CD Drive plus my CD-RW drive plus my DVD+RW drive like it ain't nothing. As a matter of fact, Windows lets you mount up to 24 partations/drives(C: - Z: ).
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Linux allows you to mount up to 256 filesystems by default, and that value can be changed.


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