All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Why Windows should be avoided.
Right now I'm a little bit miffed at Windows. My wife is using my P4 system to do a college assignment right now, I sold all of my old systems to a friend the other day and he gave me his junk ass HP Pavilion 6648c(he didn't want it). Anyways, I'm using the Pavilion right now. Windows XP simply won't install on this thing. It has BIOS shadowing enabled and it keeps causing the XP setup to bluescreen. Win2K setup bluescreens as well. Personally, I think this thing has damaged cache memory because of it crashing from BIOS shadowing being enabled. Here's the shitty part, the BIOS for this thing does not allow you to disable the Video and BIOS shadowing nor does it allow you to disable the onboard cache. I know this problem is not Windows related, but it is a problem with the actual computer.
Since I can't get a WinNT based OS installed on this thing I decided to install a Win9x OS. I wanted to install Windows 98SE w/98 Plus! but to my amazement my Win98SE /w Plus! 98 CD has huge crack in it. So I ended up having to install Windows ME. Well, it installed ok but the damn thing crashes every time I try to do anything. I can go use the restroom and come back with a freaking "Explorer has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down" message when I come back(the computer isn't even doing anything). No matter what I do, I can't get it to stop crashing. If it isn't explorer crashing it is something else crashing. If it isn't something else crashing it is yet another something else crashing. I don't know how MS ever got away with selling this piece of shit. Windows ME isn't even good enough to be a free upgrade for Windows 98.
Anyways, I'm at my ends with this damn thing and it's crash happy nature. I'm about ready to install Windows 95 OSR2 or install Linux on this comp. I don't think I'm going to go the Linux route because I want to have Windows(one that doesn't crash constantly) on it and I want to be able to use BeOS on it. BeOS doesn't work on Linux native file systems and Linux is not Windows(meaning it doesn't have support for the Windows only apps that I use).
My whole complaint right now is against Windows ME. After using Win9x(the worst one at that) again I can see why I went to NT such a long time ago. My overclocked P4 system has been up for a couple months right now with absolutley no crashes at all(it uses XP) and I am satisfied with it. This ME shit is junk. I wouldn't wish this crap on my worst enemy. I'm going to have to get a new 98SE w/98 Plus! CD for this thing tomorrow. Until then I think that Windows 95+BeOS is going on this thing.
I'll be so glad when she gets done with her work so I can go back to XP. I don't forsee her being done until later on tonight though(it is a huge assignment). ;( I wouldn't even dream of letting her do her work on this thing. It would crash and cause her to lose her work before she could save it.
*end of rant*
[ September 25, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]
quote: I sincerely hope that all of us in the forums are doing our civic duty, what calls "tech evangelism."
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I try. I have a few "converts" and have opened a few eyes to the world of choice in the last 2 years.
WindowsME Sucks. I cant fucking stand using it. I am at my parents house for another week and that is what they use. It drives me insane. The NT Line of os's i can handle, and don't really mind using (If i have no other option, like at work).
I think the sad thing is, even when people are presented with a choice, and they understand how "evil" microsoft is, they still choose windows. Its all they know. It is going to take some time before the masses will embrace anything but windows as a desktop solution. Linux (Linux as in the distros) is on its way, and hopefully soon, we will see it become the solution, and not an alternative.
Well, I'm on Windows 95 OSR2 w/IE 5 and the desktop update installed now. So far no crashes. I'm downloading BeOS Max 3.0 as we speak. Good riddance to ME. That bastard child OS truely sucks! I think I'm going to use the my ME CD as a clay pigeon. I haven't shot the ol' shotgun in a minute anyways(that CD gives me a good excuse to go out and shoot the gun).
I spoke to a BeOS kernel developer a few times. I remember him telling me you can get BeOS boot using an ext2 partion. Certainly not the best FS out there, but you could make an extra ext2 partion for BeOS.
quote:Originally posted by Viper:
Well, I'm on Windows 95 OSR2 w/IE 5 and the desktop update installed now. So far no crashes. I'm downloading BeOS Max 3.0 as we speak. Good riddance to ME. That bastard child OS truely sucks! I think I'm going to use the my ME CD as a clay pigeon. I haven't shot the ol' shotgun in a minute anyways(that CD gives me a good excuse to go out and shoot the gun).
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Personaly I have never had a problem with winME in fact I found it more user friendly and more stable than XP, you just have to add a LOT of ram and reasonably good hard ware.
Comparing one windows to another, really is kinda stupid. I mean its the same thing, over and over again. Spyware, bloatware, crashware.....
No matter what version it is, and future versions are gonna be no different. The only difference I see is that the whole OS is getting more and more restrictive..... But what else is new.
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