All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows Server 2003 Gains?
Just read this slightly disturbing article:
2003 server gains
and here more detail, same article
OK I have no doubt that *Some* Hosts are installing 2003, being sold all sorts of ease of use, security (bha!) speil from Redmond and the like. Will this level off? Are the "teething problems" going to persist? Will this eventually be a counter productive gaing for M$ in the long run?
Sun Tzu
quote: Thus, though we have heard of stupid haste in war,
cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays.
--- End quote ---
[ July 16, 2003: Message edited by: Zardoz ]
quote: Three months after its release, Windows Server 2003 is showing strong growth in the hosting market and even picking up a limited number of Linux converts. This gain comes even as Microsoft's overall market share in the Web server market declined.
--- End quote ---
huh. 2003 server gaining, linux dropping, but microsoft overall market share declined. So what os is kicking ass? *bsd?
And they say that *BSD is dying!
Unless everyone goes mad these "gains" will be counter productive in the long run. If you expose a bad product to customers they, will wise up to it. It seems there having preditable problems already.
These "gains" are all a matter of perspective as well. From my perspective things can only get worse for them, that is Redmond and unfortunately the customer.
[ July 16, 2003: Message edited by: Zardoz ]
Every site I've ever produced has been on BSD, and that that's from many different Hosts, not by design but by chance.
Although most of the Hosts that do offer 2003 I wouldn't use anyway.
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