All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Crash IE..

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I could really use that code in the Microsoft OS forum... keeps all those Windoze trolls away  


quote:I like it. I should make a site that sees if you are using Explorer, and if you are, redirects you to that page. if not of course, you will be free to wander my site and explore its magical funtivities.
--- End quote ---

Could someone give me code like that for my website?

Or, you could set computers at schools or your friends house to that as the home page. Most people would have no clue how to fix that.


quote:Originally posted by M51DPS:

Could someone give me code like that for my website?
--- End quote ---

It's really simple. Here it is:

--- Code: ---
--- End code ---

Notice that it's only the <input> tag and the 'type' attribute that cause the crash. Take it and do what you wish with it. After all, it might take M$ another 7 years before they magically 'patch' this one as well.   :D


A new record has been set for M$... crash IE in only one line of code! Hahahaha... god damn, that's just hilarious.

Here are some more exploits for IE... I really, really wonder sometimes why people CHOOSE to use IE as their web browser.... I guess they're just uneducated.  ;)


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