All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

The "Microsoft fucking sucks so hard" thread

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Yeah I totally agree.  Notice I said "technically" better, not practically better or morally better.  MS Office can DO the most of any office suite, and on Windows it is pretty fast (due to how it loads itself into memory on bootup)

MPlayer can play QuickTime?  Even the Sorenson codec ones?  I didn't know they had finished that.  I think I'll go check it out.   ;)

PS I don't mean to rag on Apple like this, so don't think I hate them or anything.  Their software is for the most part much better than Microsoft's, and they don't BS you with spyware and activation.  I still probably wouldn't buy a Mac, however.

I think that M$ sucks because of M$Office.  It's not a *bad* productivity suite per se, but the crappy way that they make it impossible to open documents created in a newer version of Office than the one you're using really bites.  And they come out with new versions every year or two.  So if you want to be able to use M$Office, you'd better be willing to shell out a few hundred bucks every couple of years.

Of course, there is the issue of their bloated, unstable, spyware-laden, overpriced operating system, but that's another story.

Oh, and then there's their web browser. IE is a <sarcasm> real great browser </sarcasm>.  

And their business practices.  Those would piss off a Pope.

I guess I could go on, but what's the point.  Linux has already more or less driven them out of any real growth in the server market and I wouldn't be suprised to see them losing share to Linux in the near future.  They've lost embedded to Linux already.  The fat lady already sang that song.  I find it hard to believe that they won't begin losing serious market share in desktop to Linux given how so many distros are really concentrating on improving desktop Linux.  

Hell, maybe I should start feeling sorry for poor little old M$.  They may be on their way out.

We can all hope  


Canadian Lover:

quote:Hey I think MS Office is technically the "best" office suite out there right now  
--- End quote ---

HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND?? I think WordPerfect is better......It dosen't have a paperclip that says "It looks like you're wrighting a letter" every time you wright "dear *insert name here*,.

M$ Office is indeed the most technically advanced office suite out there today. I urge you to bring me an example of another office suite that can do this:


Canadian Lover:
my reason why M$ sucks:
1) They have expencive and buged up shit
2) unnessasery features make the computer slow (i.e Movie Maker)
3) They got all worng!!! you take out the useless features not the MS-DOS, Billy G
4)Windows crases the first second you turn it on
5)They use money as a wepon
6)The copied off os/2

There's a lot more, but that would make the page way too large.

oh one more thaut
quote:IT DOESN'T
--- End quote ---

wheres your fucking head? you auctily *like* that way you have almost a gig less of space on your HD because Windows is using it

[ April 18, 2003: Message edited by: The all Microsoft hater ]


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