All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

The "Microsoft fucking sucks so hard" thread

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quote: IT DOESN'T.
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uh, ok. ms doesn't suck, they just have bad business manners, insecure/unstable operating systems, over priced products, and more money then anyone else except the US government. oh, and they use their monopoly to inhibit advancement in computer technology

Doctor V:
Their success was obtained almost entirely through dirty business deals and treachery, and has little to do with the quality of their products.  Using the OS monopoly they have strongarmmed out several over their own products even in the presence of superior competing products, thus making the standard computer software used by the majority of people less than what it could be.  They also seek to obtain more control over users of their products than is healthy for the public.

  :mad:  V  :mad:

Doctor V:

quote:Originally posted by TheQuirk:
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What has happened?!?!?!?

Have you sold your soul to The Devil or somthing?

  :confused:  V  :confused:

strange how someone at doesn't think microsoft sucks...(zombie's the exception)

Microsoft sucks because of the proprietary software business model.  That's the only reason.  If Microsoft didn't exist another company like Apple would take its place.  The only way fair and free computing can flourish is if we abolish the copyright laws that govern the distribution and use of programs, or if we all make a voluntary choice to just say "no" to proprietary software.

In my opinion, Microsoft sucks NO LESS than most other proprietary software companies.  They are the natural result of this system.  Please don't be hypocritical and stick up for other companies that are no better than Microsoft, like Apple, Adobe, Macromedia, etc.


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