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MS OEM Software

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Most places make a note somewhere that it is OEM, but don't specify very clearly what OEM is.  So technically their base is covered.

That being said, does anyone know the exact requirements?  I've bought Win2kpro OEM before, and it came with a stick of memory so it would be compliant with the terms of the OEM license.

The requirement by MS is that you exchange a piece of hardware per OEM license.  Hence, any Windows bought on Ebay (heck, even DOS) will come with some hardware.  Usually it'll be useless to you (I've seen 386 motherboards bundled), but who knows.

MS has also stated that transferring an OEM MS OS (too many acronyms Bleah) to a new machine is not allowed.  

They now have XP's activation to enforce that BS policy, thus you have an expiring/"disposable" software product, which is exactly what MS has been wanting to make for many many years.  

Of course, you get a problem with this.  Say I started with an OEM box.  Later I put in a DVD drive. Then a 10/100 ethernet card to replace the 10 Mbs card.  Then a new video card.  Then a new hard disk.  Then a new motherboard.  Then I finally decide to get one of those light lanboy cases.

When does it stop being the original computer?


quote:Originally posted by M. O'Brien:
When does it stop being the original computer?
--- End quote ---

The second that you tell the MS rep that "I rebuilt my computer" instead of "I replaced a dead hard drive."   ;)

I was under the impression that to legally sell MS OEM software it had to come with MS approved hardware. This must be why every legitimate PC sold with an OEM install of MS software has the appropriate


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