Hmmm...I give up, what can Microsoft do right? That was a tough question! My turn many licks does it take to get to the center of....nevermind.
MS Word isn't too bad, and it has certain features which AppleWorks doesn't have or doesn't perform very well. BUT, Word still has its problems of trying to second guess the user, and I HATE that. I was once writing a paper and I wanted to type "CNA", and it kept respelling it to "CAN". Huge irritation. One thing which Mac OS X does well, but MS Windows bugs the !@%# out of me is how the OS deals and interacts with the user. Windows seems to keep trying to get in the user's face, popping up messages, and trying to "help" them along. I DO NOT want help or being told what to do and when to do it. OS X works for me, while it seems like I'm working against XP, ME, etc. to just get rid of all the !%@# pop-ups, whether they be alert dialogs, IE windows, or other messages.
But one (among many others) big beef about Microsoft is that they are trying to everything for everyone across way too many markets. In the process, they have never been able to truly be the best-of-breed product (unless they KILLED all competition making them the only solution). They have strung themselves out too thinly and have not fully concentrated properly on a few key products. Sure, they most likely put more time and effort into Windows and Office, but the rest of their many products suffer in the end.
Several minutes ago I played the same video clip using WMP 9 (for Mac) and VLC. WMP was still very choppy (but better than WMP 7), and VLC played the clip just fine, even with other things going on in the background.
This gripe does not just extend to Microsoft, though. I am also concerned about Apple's exploration into other markets. Some make sense and are OK, while others are secondary or tertiary on the list of things to do. To what extent should an OS company "extend" its OS? Where is the line between truly needed applications for an OS, and just bloat or specialty applications? Does the world need another IM or web browser? Maybe, maybe not.