All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
What can MS do right?
The few things that M$ has done right is allow me to infect its computers with ease while they keep spuring Fan Boys into believing its FUD and continue on with their ignorance.
Its funny isn't it. I hate windowz fan boys as much as the next guy. But if it wasn't those fan boys that keep pushing their 'ideas' onto more cluless people then such things as mass infection would not exist becuse everyone would be running linux.
[ June 19, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]
Besides I find this question completely irrelevent. Due to what they are doing now. The whole purpose of Longhorn and winXp SP2 for that matter, is not to make windows more secure its not even to make windows more helpful and more stable but to follow on the same path that it always has been. SP2 is ment to break the OS so that you would think XP is shit and gives you a reason to move to longorn. Thats always been their staragity and always will.
Sure they say Longhorn was written from 'scratch.' They say a whole bunch of shit all the time about their other windows os'es too, about hovw they 'innovate.' Yet its always the same. The only difference with the future compared to todays windows OS'es is that it will be anyone and Micor$oft that 0wn3z your OS and never you. Its all about renting. Never 0wning!
Oh yeah, something important I forgot: microsoft must declare all of their patents public domain.
Now would you have EVERY other computer company do this.
Apple(who has a VERY VERY VERY large patent portfolio)
IBM(Patent thing, strong legal team, has sued many smaller compnies out of existence)
Novell(VERY VERY secretive of the NetWare source code, hance an extreme lack of drivers and security holes, said to be more secure than even OpenBSD)
and EVERY other computer company.
and two of those three were convicted of anti-trust charges.
Yes, I would.
[ June 21, 2004: Message edited by: flap ]
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