All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
What can MS do right?
What MS should do right is write decent software.
Everything I have replaced with non-MS products is better.
MS is the triumph of marketing over quality.
quote:Originally posted by zolo:
What MS should do right is write decent software.
Everything I have replaced with non-MS products is better.
MS is the triumph of marketing over quality.
--- End quote ---
Yea, well said. They can't write software for shit but they can sell ice cubes to the Esquimos
Make their current OSes more friendly with Macs on the network.
Narrow (un-diversify) their markets... stop trying to do everything at once.
Stop pushing the Windows Media standard.
Make Windows Media Player suck less.
Fix the gaping security holes sprinkled throughout their OS.
Worry less about marketing, piracy, EULAs, and all that other bullshit and spend more time making a decent product.
Feed Ballmer to Petunia the Customer Service Squid.
quote:Originally posted by Claris:
Feed Ballmer to Petunia the Customer Service Squid.
--- End quote ---
I thought her name was Butch, not Petunia (because with a name like Butch, you know that's one hard-assed squid). I still say Ballmer, Himmler, can't be a coincidence.
Okay, in keeping with the topic, I would have to say that Microsoft could make their products open source; and maybe, just maybe, stop suing the hell out of anyone who finds security holes. Maybe they could actually listen to them instead of waiting for their own techs to reinvent the wheel. I don't see how this isn't "within reason" for them to do; it's just not within the realm of what they want to do. That doesn't invalidate the argument.
Installer / Uninstaller...thems gewd.
Dominate a market and saturate it with a mediocre product and buy everyone out so your mediocrity will be made the standard.
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