All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
What can MS do right?
I don't think Microsoft really can do anything right.
I mean look at the xbox. They completely ruined gaming and the way controllers are supposed to be. You also have to subscribe to use XBox live which is complete bullshit, if you bought the console and it is able to go online you should be able to use your current ISP without any extra charges.
Now look at Windows. They have yet to put out a stable operating system. They now feel that users should have to pay to fix security holes. This is how I precieve this whole New Anti-Virus program coming out from Microsoft.
Microsoft just wants every little crumb of the pie they can get. They don't care about quality, stability, or anything. Just make it stable enough so they won't bitch for a month. That's how it is. Then charge them later to fix what they should be able to do or shouldn't of had to have do had we spent more time making our operating system. Yes, I would maybe support them if they weren't all about the money. I don't even know though. I'm really attached to Linux. :D
quote:Originally posted by Sauron: Troll Warrior:
ok, let me rephrase this.
what can Microsoft do, WITHIN REASON and that will not have a NEGATIVE impact on the rest of the world, with you would be okay with.
--- End quote ---
They can die a quick death. That, or release all of their software under the GPL. Then I'd have little problem with their continuted existence.
It's like asking "what could Hitler do within reason that you'd be happy with?" I don't want Microsoft to "fix" anything - I want them to get progressively worse and worse, hopefully turning more and more people away.
I'd be happy if IE was compliant.
M$ should make Winbloze and office more compatible with Linux and other free operating systems.
They could start of by releasing details of NTFS, as well as any other secret APIs and data structures.
Winbloze should be able to mount Linux file systems.
Microcock orifice should be able to import/export, star office and other competitor's file formats.
Winbloze should be made more secure:
How about making it impossible for a normal user or any software their running to fuck around with the registry, configuration files, device drivers ect.
Perhaps one super user maybe called something like Root, should be given the ability to alter the system configuration?
Winbloze should not hang up lock up or fuck up in any shape or form, even if a normal user fucks up.
When I mean a normal user I mean someone not logged on as root, a good friend of mine said
quote:Originally posted by Sauron: Troll Warrior:
ok, let me rephrase this.
what can Microsoft do, WITHIN REASON and that will not have a NEGATIVE impact on the rest of the world, with you would be okay with.
--- End quote ---
I love this question. I do have a serious answer within reason.
Microsoft can toss its current operating system and restart Windows from absolute total scratch. That would be the first step. I don't care if its Unix based or not, just start rewriting the damn thing from scratch. It's long overdue.
In the newly re-written OS, no software should be integrated into the OS. Everything should be removable and customizable by the user.
The GUI of the new OS should be balanced out - it shouldn't have the "fisher-price" look to appeal to total retards. It should have a GUI that appeals to people who know what they're doing, and shouldn't be too hard for others to figure out (like Win2000 and prior).
IE should be compliant with international standards. Same goes for everything else. They should stop trying to force their own stuff onto us and comply with web, audio, video, etc standards. People would like them more if they did that.
The new OS shouldn't be as retarded as it is now. I'd like it to be like Linux and Mac in the sense that you don't have to "install" software - just run it from whereever you please.
Get rid of that Registry abomination.
Finally don't make everything so damn bloaty and slow. The OS should be installed with only the stuff that it needs to run - everything else the user should install optionally. Code should be optimized well for fast performance.
I think that stuff is well within reason.
What else I'd like MS to do:
Focus on one damn product. No company can produce everything without everything turning to crap. You can't make a world dominant OS, a dominant office suite, a bunch of games, some hardware, business software, video software, etc without everything becoming shit. The more you focus on one or two things, the better they'll be.
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