All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Mysterious widows port
port 49320
Now before I start I acknowlege the fact the information may be out there somewhere I just havent found it yet.
I do network security for a couple of companies, some of them refuse my suggestion to not use a windows server(sigh).
Anyways all the networks have windows clients. I noticed some incoming connections were coming from various places on port 49320, alot of the time it was Washington D.C.(Microsoft?).
I wasn't familiar with that port so I looked it up. Some people had posted thier open connections to security help forums and that port had activity as well. However, I was unable to find any information on what that port was. There were no applications or services that showed up in the search that used that port. The website that mapped the common ports didn't have any information on that port.
I did a local port scan ( on most of the servers and clients and that port doesn't seem to be open.
Does anyone know what this port is for, if not I will try and find out myself and post the results if I figure it out.
I thought this relevant to this forum because if it is something microsoft, it seems to be hidden.
Microsoft is in washington state, not washington DC.
This is the only other incident of it I can find.
you may wanna email the guy that wrote him and ask if he ever figured it out.
And this isn't the right place to ask.
"And this isn't the right place to ask."
My bad, sorry about that.
Thanks for the link.
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