All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

New Longhorn Pics

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o my fucking gosh... they only added pretty sparkely images.. u can do the same thing with skin studio... ect ect... these people are pathetic.

Everything is blue...
quote:Please wait while setup detects your computer's hardware
This can take up to 10 minutes
--- End quote ---

Shit how long does it take Knoppix to detect hardware, and they loading sand-clock icon is OLD.

OMG and they have a Windows security prompt?! Shit like it'd be loads better   :rolleyes:  
I'm getting insomnia from this shit.  

it looks like XP with Gizmos...very innovative and original...but hey AC/DC played the exact same kind and type of incredibly similar music for 20 years and they're still cool  ;)

Can we agree that one of the biggest selling factors of Windows XP was the fruitified desktop (which reminds us all of Barney's Playland), and all those bubbly widgets, which do nothing more than take up space after your used to them?  Seriously, this stuff is not innovative, but looks a lot like several themes ripped straight from  I'm sure the rest of longhorn is shit straight from the dog's ass.


quote:Zardoz: An excess of blue on screen will actually after staring at it for a few hours tinge your vision orange. Great move M$.
--- End quote ---

I actually had that problem once. That blue desktop theme looked pretty cool though.


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