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New Longhorn Pics

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quote:Originally posted by AmericanBastard:
it looks like XP with Gizmos...very innovative and original...but hey AC/DC played the exact same kind and type of incredibly similar music for 20 years and they're still cool   ;)  
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Hmmmm not really. After 20 years of the same old stuff you do get just a tad annoyed. Which is what is gonna happen with microsoft users. They're finally gonna get sick of frequent rectal bleeding as a result of being continually raped by bill gates and they're gonna say ENOUGH!

Yah i recently tried build 4029 actually like 2 days ago. It was total crap. First off i did get my wireless card working but with windows in charge of my wireless network things arnt pretty. Then i didnt want to install my soundcard driver but it kept popping up like a little pretty box in the right bottom corner that pissed the hell out of me. also default resolution was 640X480. Which pissed me off alot. Also i even needed a crack for longhorn even when it is still an alpha or something. That is real crap. Think how much trouble a tester would have having to activate it every time they reinstall it

I thought that the evolution of user interface would be to make things easier to see and to use?

Where did all my screen realestate go???!!!?!?! Fuckin hate the new look.

looks nice!  :rolleyes:

Yet more screenshots of M$ Long$corn.


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