All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

New Longhorn Pics

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lol look at the Start menu, they tried to go for the suddle abstract thing that apple does but it just ended up looking weird. n00bs.

They took out all the blue  :eek:  What the hell are we going to complain about now?   :eek:  


They even stole the popup blocking feaure from mozilla.

And why the fuck is everything grey?

it looks better than the all blue version. i still would like to know why the have so much wasted space. poor design.

That new build doesn't look all that bad. I may actually try Longhorn out now(not as my main OS though). I didn't try earlier builds because that blue Plex VS was terrible(it murdered my eyes). Of course I won't use that sidebar because I'm a miminalist desktop person. That sidebar is too large for my likings.

(EDIT)As you guys can see Longhorn still has a long way to go. I bet the new look won't be final. It is going to undergo more changes as the Longhorn development progresses. I wonder if this build has a working beta of Aero?

[ October 26, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]


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