All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Code that triggers a BSOD?

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I read somewhere that there is some C code that could trigger a Blue Screen of Death on Windows XP. If anyone has source for a program that can do that, please post it here.

Master of Reality:
If MS would release their code to... any.. of their products, then you could see easily what code will crash windows.

Well actually most of the os is written in C and C++.  And since the OS and most M$ apps are the source of the BSOD you can just run any version of M$ windows and like can run the code you mentioned.


you could try something like this:

--- Code: ---
--- End code ---

or in c++

--- Code: ---
--- End code ---

this will drain memory ... fast ... and will leave windows confused ... it might trigger a BSOD, it might just reboot ... it might totally crash ... it might dial 911 (or the equivalent in your country)... who knows?

where do i get a C++ compiler? i wanna see what happens...   :D    :D


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