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" \ " Why wont it work!!!

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Ok I have crappy Windows ME, I went into the REAL ms-dos via the boot disk. But it wont let me type in  "\" the most important character for dos other than c and : . Anyone understand why? Is there another way to do it. I pressed Esc and it dropped a line and it was there but i could not use it.

Try pressing the key just to the right of the "any" key.  That is the equivelant to the "\" key.

Gooseberry Clock:
Try the # key.

[ June 29, 2002: Message edited by: * Red Ranger Software * ]

This is probebly a problem with Keyboard.sys or your keyboard...

Maybe you should try to find out where your keyboard was created and adjust Windows' settings to it...

Or better, get a less gay OS that has support for the \ key  

Master of Reality:
Linux supports the "\" key.


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