All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
My battle with dotNet
quote: Whatever will such companies do without MS?
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they will use their talent to write software we need, instead of writing software to make crappy software work better.
My girlfreind & her father both use dotNET. she mostly used it in school, but the father really likes it. My mission is to show him the light. I think the word is apathetic. They both just accept it, and dont want to make an effort to change, or dont really care. I tell them that the future is in *nix & openSource, and their reply is always, "Well, everyone uses Microsoft, so we are going to use it. I'll learn it when i need to."
Drives me insane.
You could ask them why do they accept everything MS tell them without thought or question?
MS marketing have done an excellent job convincing people that MS is the only option.
It will take a while yet to counter MS's hugh propaganda machine.
They might not jump over to OSS right away but you've planted seeds of doubt - that is enough for now.
OSS will win, the logic of marketing dictates it so - and there is nothing MS can do to stop it.
quote:Originally posted by Xyle: Mac Commando:
they will use their talent to write software we need, instead of writing software to make crappy software work better.
My girlfreind & her father both use dotNET. she mostly used it in school, but the father really likes it. My mission is to show him the light. I think the word is apathetic. They both just accept it, and dont want to make an effort to change, or dont really care. I tell them that the future is in *nix & openSource, and their reply is always, "Well, everyone uses Microsoft, so we are going to use it. I'll learn it when i need to."
Drives me insane.
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you have hit the nail right on the thumb.
this sort of apathy is what's been being driven into americans since the sixties and brits since the seventies.
It is the reason our economy is booming even though those at the lower end are constantly told we are in a recession.
it is the reason that things hardly ever change and they never change fast when they do.
Revolution is not only possible, but EASY, and that goes for ANYTHING that needs changed, not just software. All you need to do is do your bit and tell other people about it.
Sure, you might feel frustrated but too many people misunderstand this feeling and they give up!!! NO!!!!!!! that FEEDS the problem! you have to lead by example.
just my 2c worth.......
I constantly tell my users that Micro$haft...yes I call it that even to the Directors only dominant on the desktop.
At the server end its all mainframes and as/400.
Our win2k servers a crap and the users know it. The as/400 boxen NEVER go down...ever.
[ December 21, 2002: Message edited by: dbl221 ]
quote: They both just accept it, and dont want to make an effort to change, or dont really care. I tell them that the future is in *nix & openSource, and their reply is always, "Well, everyone uses Microsoft, so we are going to use it. I'll learn it when i need to."
Drives me insane.
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God.. this sounds so familiar. This attitude is the norm, I think. A lot of *nix advocates are saying the public "doesn't know better" but I think that is untrue. Most of the people I deal with hate Windows, they know its crap, but they deal with it anyway, because everyone else is using it. It drives me nuts.
Its like a friend of mine, just bought a PC with no OS, now he is no genius, but I know he could run Linux. He asks me "what OS should I put on it?" He expressed that he didn't want to pirate WinXP or 98, which he had copies of. I say "Linux". He looked at me like I shot him in the foot. "I am not smart enough for Linux" he tells me. Then he proceeds with "I know Linux is better, and would probably run great on the machine, but I think I'll stick with windows until everyone else is using it, and I have to learn Linux".. I hear this all the time.
it sucks. I wish there were an easy solution. Like free linux classes or something.
[ December 23, 2002: Message edited by: Heywood ]
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