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How can I cut XP size?

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It'd really depend on the size of his current HD, the type of content on his hard drive, and what he plans to do with the extra space. He doesn't really give much detail.

hey, if ur gonna use winblows, download yourself a copy  of windows 2000, burn the iso to a disk, and put it in your cdrom drive.  make sure to back everything up that u need to save like papers and such.  reset your computer, and follow the install instructions to reformatt and install win 2000.  if u need to, i can send u a copy of the cd and serial code through the mail.  never use xp, its the worst thing ever created.  you should also try a dual boot with a linux distro like mandrake or redhat.  and if ur gona use linux, buy the damn cds...itll save u a lot of time and hassel, they arent that expensive anyways.

That would be hard to send smth from the US to Russia. And there is no guarantee that I'll receive the cd undamaged  :(  But that would be great anyways, 'cause I don't have a win2k cd.

My problem is I never used linux (well, I've never actually _seen_ it, exept of a CD   ) so could you please name some sites with FAQs about this OS?


quote:Originally posted by ArmTheHomeless:
hey, if ur gonna use winblows, download yourself a copy  of windows 2000, burn the iso to a disk, and put it in your cdrom drive.  make sure to back everything up that u need to save like papers and such.  reset your computer, and follow the install instructions to reformatt and install win 2000.  if u need to, i can send u a copy of the cd and serial code through the mail.  never use xp, its the worst thing ever created.  you should also try a dual boot with a linux distro like mandrake or redhat.  and if ur gona use linux, buy the damn cds...itll save u a lot of time and hassel, they arent that expensive anyways.
--- End quote ---

what the hell? download the windows 2000 CD (which is illegal) but buy linux (which is free)? You are encouraging him to brake the law and to pay a company money for a product before he even knows if he likes it or not? I'm all for linux and hate windows more than anything, but that's just messed up.

Better solution: leave Windows XP, install Linux, and use Windows XP only for games that you can't run in Linux.


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