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How can I cut XP size?

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quote:Originally posted by ecsyle:
uh...zombie. if microsoft didnt force the "evolution" of hardware (i guess that means faster comps, and bigger harddrives) we wouldn't need it anyways.
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Your talking about living wihtout the delight of Pixar movies. That's CRAZY!!

I have a 20.5 Gb Hard drive - this sucked 'cause I had some movies. But then hallelujah I deleted 'em. And then damn my brother some music + some *.vcd files so now I have 1.6 Gb free. If I had money I would sure have already bought a 120+ Gb hard drive. But if anybody buys me a 120 Gb HDD, I would be very grateful  

Why don't you wrap your brothers head in duct tape, then ask him if you can't delete his stuff. He won't be able to say you can't, so go right ahead and delete his shit!
This assumes it is a younger brother who won't beat you up or anything...

[ June 07, 2003: Message edited by: Tux ]


quote:Originally posted by Stryker:

what the hell? download the windows 2000 CD (which is illegal) but buy linux (which is free)? You are encouraging him to brake the law and to pay a company money for a product before he even knows if he likes it or not? I'm all for linux and hate windows more than anything, but that's just messed up.
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what i ment by this is to not support the shitty micro$hit company, and pay the linux company (e.g. red hat) for working to put out the product.  they do have a staff.


quote:Originally posted by NikS:
I have a 20.5 Gb Hard drive - this sucked 'cause I had some movies. But then hallelujah I deleted 'em. And then damn my brother some music + some *.vcd files so now I have 1.6 Gb free. If I had money I would sure have already bought a 120+ Gb hard drive. But if anybody buys me a 120 Gb HDD, I would be very grateful    
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Buy a CD burner. I've seen new ones decent speed $20.


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