All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Help me install Windows 98SE
But Calum, this is the wind0ze forum. No I won't phone the helpdesk, im a pirate, and I have to pay money to use tech support. Surely you don't want me fattening MS's pockets do you?
Just consider this a wind0ze technical problem that everyone bitches about. :D
Yep, for the moment I'm stuck in Win95 hell. I would prefer not to be but, some people have to spend some time in hell.
If you use an M$ software package past the next two upgrades I'm sure the accountants in Redmond are writing you off as a tax deduction. I'm sure they think you are costing them money. Doubly so for me as I am using an even older software package. Make that triple time for me. My 'business computer' is running DOS 6.22 and Win3.1! Take that Bill!
Sorry I can't help with the Win98 problem, I've never used that OS.
Master of Reality:
i pirated copy! This will be reported to [email protected]... unless you were a Bob, then i would not have to report you. Will you join us Lazygamer?
awwww, one copy of windows, with my friends he would have a warez score of about $100. i got into the $20k range before i heard about linux. then i got rid of most of my warez cuase i liked linux and it could do everything without needing all the pharking warez.
20K?! /gives cookie
My Warez score is probably.... under $2000, possibly under $1000.
MOR answer me one question about the Cult of Bob. How is it the members(such as yourself) can get away with being intellectually advanced enough to be intelligent, well skilled, anti-MS Linux d00dz? Such advanced thought would mean violating your rules, and being blasphemous. I don't think your leader would like this very much. ;)
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