Author Topic: Microsoft want to compete with Lavasoft and Webroot  (Read 2415 times)


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Re: Microsoft want to compete with Lavasoft and Webroot
« Reply #15 on: 9 February 2005, 10:04 »

I hardly ever even bother running AdAware scans anymore, my scans have never found anything since I stopped using IE and started using Firefox exclusively.
On your way out of Microsoft Land feel free to smash a few Windows.

PacKiN 1i1 SoMeThiN 4 BG

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Re: Microsoft want to compete with Lavasoft and Webroot
« Reply #16 on: 10 February 2005, 00:44 »
Quote from: JanusChrist

I hardly ever even bother running AdAware scans anymore, my scans have never found anything since I stopped using IE and started using Firefox exclusively.

Amen!  :thumbup:

I have also read that a new IE windows update is coming out and whoever doesn't get the update will have problems with their current browser due to a "new bug"! The update is meant to fix this bug but only for ie users!! "Windows somehow found out about the damn "new bug" before it came out" ....iteresting? Anyways this happened not long after Firefox stole 10% of IE's customers!

Wow Billy, it is a freaking free service well not really IE but most users are windows and it comes with the hard earned $160 software you have to buy (Or find some corporate keys... :rolleyes:) Mr. Gates why don't you just take the damn money you already have and count your damn blessings! You couldn't even spend a fraction of your damn money if you had to, so why don't you do something other than make more of it, like oh I dont know help those kids that dont have medical insurance! At least invest your damn money back into the industry when you die (not that I am wishing you harm or anything.... :rolleyes:)! But no you just cant get enough of it! Fuck You Gates!@# :thumbdown Instead of sitting around finding new ways to LIE CHEAT STEAL go enjoy life and quit decieving everyone! You may have been lucky to stumble up on a few things like: everything you sold before its inventers had a chance to do anything, lets see DOS Windows, Mouse!

You should run for office! Wait nevermind then we will all have to pay you for stuff that causes a problem and then have to pay you again to fix it, pretty much what you are doing with Windows and IE !! (as someone else stated previously somewhere in this thread I believe)
:tux: :thumbup:
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Re: Microsoft want to compete with Lavasoft and Webroot
« Reply #17 on: 10 February 2005, 08:46 »
Quote from: PacKiN 1i1 SoMeThiN 4 BG
Amen!  :thumbup:

I have also read that a new IE windows update is coming out and whoever doesn't get the update will have problems with their current browser due to a "new bug"! The update is meant to fix this bug but only for ie users!! "Windows somehow found out about the damn "new bug" before it came out" ....iteresting? Anyways this happened not long after Firefox stole 10% of IE's customers!

Actually, the word you want is "users". Firefox and IE can't have "customers" seeing as how both are free of charge

You couldn't even spend a fraction of your damn money if you had to, so why don't you do something other than make more of it, like oh I dont know help those kids that dont have medical insurance! At least invest your damn money back into the industry when you die.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but in fairness....

You should run for office!

Yeah, Open Office. And change the word "for" to "from" since its taking a nice bite out of MS Office's $150-per-install market
On your way out of Microsoft Land feel free to smash a few Windows.

PacKiN 1i1 SoMeThiN 4 BG

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Re: Microsoft want to compete with Lavasoft and Webroot
« Reply #18 on: 10 February 2005, 22:59 »
haha ... you dick!! I was on a roll!   :cool:   but you know what doesn't change?  Bill Gates still SUCKS!
:tux: :thumbup:
Be polite and professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.
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PacKiN 1i1 SoMeThiN 4 BG

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Re: Microsoft want to compete with Lavasoft and Webroot
« Reply #19 on: 10 February 2005, 23:00 »
oh and FYI the new Microsoft SpyRemover is free until July 1, 2005 then its $$ don't know how much though!
:tux: :thumbup:
Be polite and professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.
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