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Convert me! (from windows)

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Doctor V:
Welcome to MES, your two problems are easily solvable.

You should have no trouble with Linux at all.  OpenOffice will handle Word perfectly, and Excel files work in OO almost always.  I have come across one that dosn't, but only one ever.  Its likely that future versions of OO will be able to handle them.

As for access.  Well, Access is very user freindly, but horribly inefficient.  Linux should come with Postgresql, which should work better than access.  I't would likely not take much time at all to write a small script to transfer all of your data from Access to PGSQL.

VC++ only works for windows.  Linux comes with a C++ compiler.  Rather than building apps that only run on windows with VC++, you could build them in C++ or Java.  Java has window toolkits to build apps with forms and such.  Java apps also generally are platform independant.

Dual booting is always an option if your not ready for the deep end.  I have found that setting up dual booting in Mandrake Linux 9.0 is so easy that anyone could do it and do it right on the first try.

It takes most people a while before getting used to Linux, but stick with it, and you'll find that it really is better than windows.


quote:Originally posted by RecursiveStar:
I want to be free!!!!

But I have two problems....

I'm self employed and most of my business stuff uses either Word, Excel or Access - can't afford to lose it - so can I convert it or is there OS apps that can read it?

I'm also studying VC++ (pity me, I was young(er) then) and so will have to learn all(sic) about Windows...which means I need to keep it  :(  (

Dual boot? Bit of a pain tho...

Any suggestions?
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Get the new $999 iBook. Then buy some RAM for it, but not from Apple.


quote:Originally posted by The Jimmy James X 10.3.6 / Bob:
Get the new $999 iBook. Then buy some RAM for it, but not from Apple.
--- End quote ---

I second that. You will have no problem transitioning from windoze to the MacOS. You will be able to use all of your current documents and programms (or their equivilants) and yet still benifit from the vast library of Linux/*NIX software available. You can even run popular desktop environments right alongside OSX such as KDE and GNOME. You get the best of all worlds with OSX  :D  [/pitch off]

Seriously, you do. And you can dual boot with Linux if you are so inclined. I hear YDL on Mac's are getting better benchmarks than their x86 counterparts these days! At least that's YDL's propaganda  

Here, have you ever heard of THE INTERNET? if you are having trouble finding any information to 'convert' from using one system to using another system than just download a copy of the internet and read it at your own leisure.


quote:Originally posted by Calum & his insidious little spies:
Here, have you ever heard of THE INTERNET? if you are having trouble finding any information to 'convert' from using one system to using another system than just download a copy of the internet and read it at your own leisure.
--- End quote ---

I love google in all it's forms  :D

Looks cute with tux between the letters.


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