All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
maybe you boys can help me out
the way i found out about this site, was searching about all the different tracking/history files windows uses (ex: index.dat) and there was an article all about it on this site. it started out exlpaining how to delete all your temp/history files in MS-Dos. i feel like an idiot having to ask people, but i can't find it for the sh*t of me. it doesn't seem to me like there is even a link to an index of articles. Just the most recent articles. anybody got those helping skills for me?
Master of Reality:
are you talking about this:
that it. thanks!
for some reason this does not seem to be linked to from the main page anymore. it used to be you pushed the Feature Article button, but that now takes you to the 'what's so bad' article. in my opinion there should be an index of articles so people can easily find both.
Master of Reality:
i will post a fucking screenshot to show you that it is on the main page...
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