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maybe you boys can help me out

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Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by Calum:
for some reason this does not seem to be linked to from the main page anymore. it used to be you pushed the Feature Article button, but that now takes you to the 'what's so bad' article. in my opinion there should be an index of articles so people can easily find both.
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take a look at this damn link
its the one taht says "Microsofts really hidden file"

[ September 20, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

I can't find a thread that I'm sure was here...

It was about a bit of text that exploits the XP helpdesk "feature" to delete files.  SP1 closes this hole.

I can't find it manually or by search.  Did I halucinate or have I got the wrong place or has it gone?

It's annoying not being able to find it because I threw it in the face of a M$ believer (ie fuckwit) and now can't find it.


BTW.  Excellent forum, I come here often.  It has been the final stage of converting me to open source software.  Thank you.

Master of Reality:
i dont remember this being posted anwhere other than the mod forum, but here it is:

that general subject was actually brought up in one of the microsoft sections by Refalm, i think, prompting me to post the link to that document in the private section.
This is something i would like to see incorporated into people's webpages. that'll get that 75% who use IE down a bit i suspect...
quote:Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:

take a look at this damn link
its the one taht says "Microsofts really hidden file"

[ September 20, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]
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very smart, but as evidenced by the existence of this thread, i am not the only one with this problem and in fact i seem to remember having to tell this url to two or three other people since the new article ousted its place.

It's not on the toolbar, that's all...

[ September 20, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Thanks for that.

I'm sure it was here with 2 links to articles about it.

Anyway thanks again.  



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