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Window$ is just madness !
I've only just started to scratch the surface with Linux and the more I get into it, the more I love it. Sure there have been a few bumps (still can't get the darned sound card working) along the way but it's worth it.
I bought Suse 8.0 professional for < $80.00 and talk about value for money !! With Bluefish and Quanta I'm even able to dabble in a bit of HTML. Anybody that BUYS Window$ is a chump.
That's all folks.
[ April 23, 2003: Message edited by: HibbeeBoy ]
[ April 23, 2003: Message edited by: HibbeeBoy ]
I would suggest getting mandrake 9.1 or red hat 9. Both of them support a lot more hardware than suse 8.0.
Glad to hear you like linux!
I was thinking about Red Hat. See, I wasn't really looking at whether it was all going to work on my home PC (Dell) I was reviewing Linux for work. On my PC at work which is also a Dell, everything worked right out the box, sound card, network card, everything, lovely jubbley. I picked SuSe because of it's strong ties with IBM AS400 connectivity.
At work I have a dual boot, I need Window$ for AS400 connectivity but most of my other stuff I am doing in Linux. People are pretty envious around my desk BTW. :cool:
Yes, and I borrowed RedHat 8 for free...
I'd like to see you try that with Windows, say it on a webpage, and keep your computer, money, and outside-prison life...
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