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Access hotmail thro telnet
Master of Reality:
nah... he can stay... but he should use linux if he wants to crack.
Doctor V:
Mmmmmm, Texas Garlic Bread (said in a Homer Simpson tone.)
Yeah, when someone asks questions like that the first words that come to mind are 'Script Kiddie'.
Anyhow, most of us have had the disease that is known as using Windows at some point in our lives. Good thing there is a cure. Available over the counter, or delivered to your house for free.
yeah loopers, i know a great haxxorring tool that can do shitloads of kewl stuff, and you can d/l it here.
See the thing is accessing hotmail through telnet was a bug what 4 years ago, one that M$ actually fixed.
The thing is if you want to crack software then you kind of need to be a bit more up to date - Microsoft have released this new OS, is called mpt or something. They are repackaging some Unix code and looks like they are going to start phasing out their code so the new stuff will be empty of M$ code.
quote:Originally posted by loopers:
1. I get to know that we can access our email (hotmail) through telnet. So how can we do that?
2. Is it possible to implement the brute force algorithm through telnet in order to get the password of somebody? If so ... how?
--- End quote ---
umm... be a fast typer, have encryption algoriths memorized and ready at any moment. and know how a webserver sends and recieves information. telnet port 80 and do your browser's job.
make a script or program to do it for you through port 80 of (or whatever server it's stored on)... but you wouldn't know how to do that and i think you really should consider therapy if you think msn is worth wasting your time trying to crack into.
[ November 21, 2002: Message edited by: Stryker ]
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