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Does anyone remember this about MS Word?


I can't recall exactly when but I think it was around 3 or 4 years ago when I read somewhere about someone embarassing Micro$hit by making a bug/bloat free version of Microsoft Word. Basically it was someone got pissed at how M$ Office installs tons of unnecessary crap and bloatware, and is full of bugs that they wrote their own version of MS Word that was only 1 or 2 files and only a MB or two.
I'm wondering if anyone remembers the details of this or if anyone has a link to an article about this or a link to download this non-MS Word program.

Are you possibly talking about "Yeah, Write!"


quote:Originally posted by M. O'Brien:
Are you possibly talking about "Yeah, Write!"
--- End quote ---

No. This program looked EXACTLY likes MS Word.


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