Author Topic: Where do M$ get their money from?  (Read 811 times)

Lord C

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Where do M$ get their money from?
« on: 10 April 2003, 19:50 »
Im being totally serious here.

Out of everyon ei know - from computer n00bs to elite geniouses, i don't know a single person who has legally bought M$ software!

The only time i know of, is when they buy a per-built *shudder* PC, which already has Windoze on it.

Hmm, any ideas people? How is that scumbag the richest (/ ex-riches) man in theworld?
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Where do M$ get their money from?
« Reply #1 on: 10 April 2003, 20:37 »
Company's and government institutions can get into real trouble when they don't legally buy Windows.
Someone could really damage a company or institution if he/she tells Microsoft that the company or institution is using illegal Windows versions.


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Where do M$ get their money from?
« Reply #2 on: 10 April 2003, 22:19 »
Originally posted by BaDDaSS[Mandrake]:
Im being totally serious here.

Out of everyon ei know - from computer n00bs to elite geniouses, i don't know a single person who has legally bought M$ software!

The only time i know of, is when they buy a per-built *shudder* PC, which already has Windoze on it.

Hmm, any ideas people? How is that scumbag the richest (/ ex-riches) man in theworld?

you answered your own question. all business PCS pay for windows, many home PCs sdo as well. kids and some home users and most users in certain countries "pirate" windows, which only adds up to a shitload of free advertising for microsoft, so that when those kids grow up and become heads of IT, or whatever, they have only ever used their shitty little craxx0red copies of windows so they just buy microsoft for their shitty little (or big) business because they're too fucking lazy to learn about anything better.
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