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hidden file question

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I have a better Key to add, and it should be added to every computer with a version of windows on it. It should be called the "oh shit" key, and when you press it, windows will activate a message that says "you really fucked up this time"

Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by Neo:
I have a better Key to add, and it should be added to every computer with a version of windows on it. It should be called the "oh shit" key, and when you press it, windows will activate a message that says "you really fucked up this time"
--- End quote ---

that would be hilarious. I was thinking of makin a script that when the windows key gets pressed it sends hate mail to [email protected]

If you know the name of the file then search for it and delete it.

Start Button--->Search-->for files and folders.

No spyware gets past my firewall in Windows ME


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