All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Removing "Phone Home" features from XP?
I was wondering anyone could suggest a program or "hack" to disable the "Phone Home" features in XP. I Also want to uninstall Outlook and MovieMaker, but the bastards dont have it in the add/remove menu, i searched around a little but couldnt find anything. Thank you in advance to anyone with any help or suggestions...
[ June 29, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
sorry, trc, i cannot help you, i think that XP has gone beyond the point where people should be wasting their time trying to force it to do what you want it to. It's time to say bye bye to windows for good. Did you hear that the next version of windows (called palladium right now) wishes to remove administrator access from the computer owner, and place it in the hands of Microsoft, where they can then login as root (or whatever it's called in windows) remotely?
BTW, thanks for the copy of FreeBSD, trc, did you get mandrake ok?
I agree Calum, XP is worthless, but i had to install it just to see and use it for myself. I've only had it for 3 days and to say the least im unimpressed, i'll most likley go back to using 98. Yea i got the mandrake cd's[Thank You], i had it installed within 20 minutes of opening the package, and for the most part i love it, i still havent made the jump to get rid of windoze all together though. I like having both, if i cant find a program to do what i want in linux [witch rarely happens] i can ussually find one for windoze and vise versa. I hadnt heard about palladium before, i searched around and found some articles and from what i read this sounds like by far the worst idea ever to come out of M$...
[ June 29, 2002: Message edited by: trc3 ]
palladium makes xp look like windows 95....
x11Bob also did that thing of installing windows xp so he could have a first hand look at what it's like, his posts are often filled now with "i hate xp" and "don't get xp, it's crap".
myself, i still have a dual boot, winME was really not cutting it, so i have upgraded to windows 98. (of course it still plays second fiddle to mandrake whenever hardware incompatibilities can be overcome.
PS i kind of felt a bit sheepish when i got those FreeBSD CDs, trc, since i only sent you the two mandrake CDs in turn! hope they were adequate! anyway, sorry to harp on about it...
maybe you should install zonealarm on your winxP system, it's a fee firewall that alerts you and asks permission whenever anything (including itself) wants to connect or act as a server...
[ June 29, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]
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